My senior project for my Mechanical Engineering degree. A parabolic deployable antenna for CubeSats to provide Ka band transmission from beyond low earth orbit.

I picked up a bit of a foosball habit over the summer, and I really wanted to play at school. There aren’t any good tables around, so I waited and pounced on one on Craigslist.

Sous Vide means something in French. PID means proportional, integral, derivative in Engineer. Here’s a little Sous Vide controller I made for my Mom for Christmas this year. It’s a Ebay controller, SSR, and a outlet stuffed in a softball trophy case from the Container Store.

My biggest and craziest project so far! A 90 watt CO2 laser cutter with a 2 by 4 ft work area driven by a smoothieboard and steppers.

This is a pretty cool example of how 3D printing is helpful in my day to day projects. It’s always useful to be able to produce a huge variety of geometries accurately and quickly with little to no effort on my part. I redesigned this spacer slightly to accommodate a different model of Audi than it was intended for, printed it to check dimensions, and then made it in metal.

A friend of mine was building a 6x6x6 LED Cube for a class project. He needed some help with a board for the cube, and contacted me because he knew I had made boards.