My final project for my Mechatronics course at Cal Poly. We (myself and Colton Crivelli) had to build an Nerf gun that could autonomously find and shoot an incandescent bulb mounted to a square piece of wood. The project was titled “Learn by Duelling” since our turrets would compete against each other in duels, and Cal Poly’s motto is “Learn by Doing” (hardy har har).

My senior project for my Mechanical Engineering degree. A parabolic deployable antenna for CubeSats to provide Ka band transmission from beyond low earth orbit.

I picked up a bit of a foosball habit over the summer, and I really wanted to play at school. There aren’t any good tables around, so I waited and pounced on one on Craigslist.

Sous Vide means something in French. PID means proportional, integral, derivative in Engineer. Here’s a little Sous Vide controller I made for my Mom for Christmas this year. It’s a Ebay controller, SSR, and a outlet stuffed in a softball trophy case from the Container Store.

My biggest and craziest project so far! A 90 watt CO2 laser cutter with a 2 by 4 ft work area driven by a smoothieboard and steppers.

This is a pretty cool example of how 3D printing is helpful in my day to day projects. It’s always useful to be able to produce a huge variety of geometries accurately and quickly with little to no effort on my part. I redesigned this spacer slightly to accommodate a different model of Audi than it was intended for, printed it to check dimensions, and then made it in metal.