Lunar Lander
Lunar Lander

A silly little game I created to try out web development. Write your own lunar lander autopilot and see if you can land on the moon!

One day reading HN I was exposed to a simple rocket landing game. I thought it would be fun to attempt to write an autopilot to land the spacecraft. Then I thought it would be more fun to write a thing that lets you write the thing. Several months later and here we are:

Lunar Lander Game

I wrote the game in Svelte because the compilation like aspects of it really appealed to me. It’s based on HTML5 canvas graphics and a simple render loop. The physics aren’t the most accurate thing ever, but it should be enough to have fun.

I learned a lot about web development through this project, and discovered its quite fun. Not sure I’d want to do it full time but it really hits that instant gratification itch for a small side project like this.